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Does What I Eat Impact The Way I See

Does What I Eat Impact The Way I See

Eye Health

Discover how your diet can influence dry eye disease. Learn which foods can improve your eye health, the surprising benefits of coffee, and which habits to avoid for optimal comfort and vision.

National Diabetes Week

National Diabetes Week

Eye Health

Celebrate Diabetes Awareness Week with Young Eyes! We've joined the "Keep Sight" campaign to promote eye health for those with diabetes. Discover how regular eye checks can prevent vision loss.

Honouring Michael Mosley: A Legacy of Nutritional Wisdom for Eye Health.

Honouring Michael Mosley: A Legacy of Nutritional Wisdom for Eye Health.

Eye Health

In this blog, we explore what Michael Mosley's legacy can teach us about maintaining eye health through diet.

A look at how far we have come with treatment for Cataracts.

A look at how far we have come with treatment for Cataracts.

Eye Health

Discover the incredible journey of cataract treatment, from ancient Egyptian methods to today's state-of-the-art surgeries. 

Roxy putting mascara on her eyeslashes

Mascara to keep your eyes healthy

Eye Health

Is this mascara bad for my eyes?...........

Diabetes Lap the Map

Diabetes Lap the Map

Eye Health

Diabetes is a chronic health condition that can affect the entire body including the eyes........

Christmas Eye - Not such a jolly eye condition

Christmas Eye - Not such a jolly eye condition

Eye Health

Despite what the name suggests Christmas eye is an extremely painful eye condition that is thought to be caused by a small beetle.

Itchy eyes

Itchy Eyes?

Eye Health

Are you suffering from red watery itchy eyes. This may be ocular allergy or allergic conjunctivitis.......

How will I know I have Cataracts?

How will I know I have Cataracts?

Eye Health

A cataract occurs when there is a clouding of the lens in the eye. Most cataracts develop slowly, and cataracts are one of the leading causes of vision impairment in Australia, so it’s important to know what to look out for.

Manuka honey for dry eyes

Manuka honey for dry eyes

Eye Health

Chronic dry eye is a common condition that occurs when there is a lack of moisture or lubrication on the surface of the eye. This can result in tired and irrited eyes,

Keeping Your Eyes Safe with Safety Glasses

Keeping Your Eyes Safe with Safety Glasses

Eye Health

At Young Eyes one of the most common reasons, we see people with a sore eye is related to lack of protection when working at home or at work.

Contact Lens Sustainability

Contact Lens Sustainability

Eye Health

Demand for contact lenses has been growing consistently for decades, but this growth presents its own sustainability challenges for the eyewear industry. Plastic microbeads* have long been around in the cosmetic industry, but disposable contact lenses are also guilty of contributing to this problem as they contain microbeads.

COVID 19 update from Young Eyes

COVID 19 update from Young Eyes

Eye Health

We are open for business however we will be asking for your co-operation to keep everyone safe. Please note the points below if you are attending our practice.

Already myopic? What are your options?

Already myopic? What are your options?

Eye Health

Already myopic? What are your options?

If you or your child are already myopic, our Optometrist may suggest one of the following to correct your vision and aim to prevent progression.

Myopia Management

Myopia Management

Eye Health

Myopia (or short-sightedness) is a common eye condition where distance objects are not seen clearly. It is becoming more prevalent and is now occurring in younger patients.

National Work Safe Month

National Work Safe Month

Eye Health

In light of National Work Safe Month, we are reminding everyone of the importance of wearing safety glasses in the workplace. 

NSW Health requiring masks to be worn

Eye Health

NSW Health has determined that given the current context of community transmission, they are escalating advice to cover ‘moderate risk’ of transmission according to the COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Response and Escalation Framework and poster.

COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update

Eye Health

To keep everyone safe we continue to follow the NSW Health protocols.  We are open for appointments for everyone, so please book online or give us a call to organise your next appointment. 

Men neglecting eye health

Men neglecting eye health

Eye Health

At Young Eyes we know men are less likely to get their eye health assessed. Men between the ages of 45 and 74 utilised the least level of optometric services in 2016, according to Medicare.
Most conditions causing vision loss that we see at Young Eyes can be treated. Failure to treat them can however stop healthy independent ageing.

Driving with Glaucoma

Driving with Glaucoma

Eye Health

Glaucoma patients are at least five times more likely to be involved in a motor vehicle crash compared with others in the same age group, despite meeting legal driving requirements, a new study has found.

Optometry and Mental Health

Optometry and Mental Health

Eye Health

Eye health is becoming an increasingly important part of the conversation surrounding mental health.

A study in the U.S. reported that adults with visual function loss are at least 90 per cent more likely to have depression than those without visual function loss.

What makes your eye twitch?

What makes your eye twitch?

Eye Health

A twitching eye is very common and usually occurs for people at some stage in their life. It doesn’t cause any pain however can be an annoyance for the individual. When your eye twitches, it usually indicates a muscle spasm and it can be very difficult to pinpoint what the specific cause might be.



Eye Health

A pterygium – pronounced as ter-ig-e-um – is a fleshy growth that develops when an eye is regularly exposed to bright sunlight and wind. It’s common in people who spend a lot of time outdoors in sunny and windy conditions. Hence its very common in our patients at Young Eyes.

Macular Degeneration - Face the Facts

Macular Degeneration - Face the Facts

Eye Health

Since 2007, the awareness of macular degeneration as a disease has increased by 53%. As outstanding as this result is, there are still many of us ignoring the eye health message and not getting regular eye exams.

New trial finds honey to be a great treatment for blepharitis and dry eyes

New trial finds honey to be a great treatment for blepharitis and dry eyes

Eye Health

For thousands of years communities have recognised the wound healing and anti-bacterial properties of honey.

We at Young eyes have been using Optimel Antibacterial Manuka Eye Gel and drops for several years.

We have found it of greatest assistance in treating blepharitis. Symptoms include itchy, burning, watery eyes, discharge, redness around the eyes and sometimes recurring styes.

Could your regular beauty routine be damaging your eyes?

Could your regular beauty routine be damaging your eyes?

Eye Health

Whether it is expensive makeup or novelty cosmetics being used to create the ultimate look, bloodshot and puffy eyes are never beautiful. At Young Eyes Optometrists we see first-hand the damage caused by common cosmetic mistakes.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic Retinopathy

Eye Health

People with diabetes have a greater risk of developing eye complications due to high blood sugar levels, however early detection and optimal management can prevent up to 98% of vision loss. 




Eye Health

What is Blepharitis?

Blepharitis, sometimes called “granulated eyelids”, is the inflammation of the eyelids.  It is a condition commonly suffered by most people at some stage in their lives, although for some people it is a recurring condition. Symptoms include itchy, burning, watery eyes, a sticky discharge, redness around the eyelid edges and recurrent styes. Blepharitis however, can be easily treated and controlled.


What is hay fever (and how to relieve your red, itchy eyes in spring)?

What is hay fever (and how to relieve your red, itchy eyes in spring)?

Eye Health

Many of us welcome spring, yet others dread it. That’s because they know they’re in for months of red, sore and itchy eyes. 

Around one in seven Australians suffer from hay fever. Are you one of them? The symptoms include, itchy eyes, irritated throat, sneezing, a blocked or runny nose. 

Hay fever is caused by a number of active substances including, pollen, animal fur, mould, dust mites and make-up. However pollen is the main culprit and as trees and flowers bloom in spring the exposure to pollen is increased.

Vision Loss and Depression

Vision Loss and Depression

Eye Health

Vision loss is often associated with Anxiety and Depression.

It is not surprising that a reduction in vision will cause significant emotional distress and fear for the individual. What is most important is that we not only provide adequate treatment to minimise the vision loss but that we provide good support to individuals to minimise the psychological stress.

Vision Loss will lead to feelings of anxiety further preventing individuals from caring for others and themselves. It is likely to lead to reduction in mobility and access to social contacts. In fact loss of vision is one of the most feared results of ageing.

Cataract surgery isn't only for the older generation

Cataract surgery isn't only for the older generation

Eye Health

Whilst they are more likely to present in people over the age of 50 due to the natural ageing process of the lens of eye, there are several other types of cataracts that can also affect the vision of younger patients.

What is a cataract?
 A cataract is a disorder in which the lens of the eye becomes cloudy decreasing one’s vision.
In a healthy eye, light passes through the transparent lens to the back of the eye to create a sharp image. However if the lens is cloudy, the image that reaches the retina will appear blurry. 
Cataracts are the number one cause of preventable blindness in the world.

World Sight Day 2015

World Sight Day 2015

Eye Health

We here at Young Eyes care about protecting your vision; we also care about people around the world who lack access to quality vision care. Because of this, our practice will participate in the World Sight Day Challenge this year on Thursday October 8 2015.  

Rubbing your eyes, does it do any harm?

Rubbing your eyes, does it do any harm?

Eye Health

Most of us rub our eyes regularly, however, if you rub your eyes too often or too hard, you can cause damage in a number of ways…  

Serious Sports Eye Injuries Do Occur

Serious Sports Eye Injuries Do Occur

Eye Health

The growing concern regarding the permanent damage that a head injury can cause players in sports, such as rugby league and union football and cricket, is a timely reminder that the risk of sports eye injuries needs to be taken seriously.

Dry, Scratchy Eyes?

Dry, Scratchy Eyes?

Eye Health

This is often caused by a chronic lack of sufficient lubrication and moisture on the surface of the eye. One of the many new treatments is a Manuka honey drop or Gel. Do you suffer from stingy itchy eyes?

Don't Let Glaucoma Steal Your Sight!

Don't Let Glaucoma Steal Your Sight!

Eye Health

Unlike many eye diseases and disorders, glaucoma is especially concerning because it can begin to take your vision away without you even knowing it is happening.

In fact, glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world. There are often no immediate or obvious symptoms of glaucoma. The disease comes on gradually, so vision loss is hard to detect, and any sight that is lost through glaucoma can never be retrieved.

What are eye floaters?

What are eye floaters?

Eye Health

At first, you’re not quite sure whether you’re ‘seeing things’… you know, that spot that appears as you turn your head. Eventually, you realise that the ‘thread’ that floats in and out of sight isn’t going away.



Eye Health

A headache is defined as "a pain or ache in the head...It accompanies many diseases and conditions, including emotional distress."

Headaches are one of the most common symptoms that can be experienced. Most people will experience a headache at some point of their lives. They can affect anyone regardless of age and gender.

Does Your Eye Colour Influence Cataracts?

Does Your Eye Colour Influence Cataracts?

Eye Health

Everyone is at Risk of Cataracts. However, did you know that you could be more at risk simply because of the colour of your eyes?

People with dark brown eyes have the greatest possibility of developing cataracts. An Australian study found that the risks can be up to 2.5 times more likely for certain types of cataracts

Macular Degeneration - Can I Lower My Risk?

Macular Degeneration - Can I Lower My Risk?

Eye Health

1 in 4 Australians Risk Losing Part or All of Their Vision to Eye Disease

Each year 1 in 4 Australians are at risk of losing part or all of their vision to eye disease. Despite the fact that 75% of vision loss is preventable or treatable, 2 out of 5 Australians are still not having their eyes tested at least once every two years, according to the latest Newspoll1 commissioned by The RANZCO Eye Foundation as part of its annual 'JulEYE' campaign.

Optometric Care of Acquired Brain Injuries

Optometric Care of Acquired Brain Injuries

Eye Health

Vision problems and symptoms are among the most common difficulties associated with acquired brain injuries. The nerve systems that control the way the eyes work and focus together, and transmit the visual information to the back of the brain for understanding of our visual world, are the most complex systems of the brain. Vision enables us to be aware of our surroundings and to know where we are in our world, to steer our walking through our environment, to direct the hand and other actions to write and hold things, and to help us stay balanced.

Growing Concerns over Risks of Blue Light on Macula

Growing Concerns over Risks of Blue Light on Macula

Eye Health

There is growing concern among leading optometrists and researchers over the harmful effect of blue light from LED screens on the macula and its risk of damaging the macula. LED lights are increasingly used in the latest high definition televisions, tablets , smartphones and computers.

Janine Hobson says “Children especially, are at particular risk of macular damage from blue light because their eyes are not as efficient at filtering out the rays”.

Tired Eyes - A Very Real Condition

Tired Eyes - A Very Real Condition

Eye Health

Most of us will experience periods where our eyes feel tired. Is this a real condition or is it just a normal symptom after a long day?

In fact, it is very real and even has a name. The medical term for eyestrain is ‘asthenopia’.