Diabetes Lap the Map

Diabetes Lap the Map

Diabetes is a chronic health condition that can affect the entire body including the eyes.  Diabetes is diagnosed when the body is unable to produce insulin, or the insulin is not effective in controlling the sugar level in the blood. This results in high blood glucose. The high blood glucose causes damage to the blood vessels and nerves and can result in long term complication including heart, kidney, eye and foot damage.

When damage to the blood vessels occurs in the eye it is call diabetic retinopathy. Early stages of diabetic retinopathy can have no visual symptoms. However, it can progress if left undetected and cause blur or distortion in the central vision.

No matter the stage of diabetic retinopathy the best thing you can do for your vision is have regular checks with your optometrist and GP and follow their advice.

If you want any more information, you can come and visit Young Eyes at the diabetes education booth at Lap the Map for Diabetes on 18th March at Anderson Park, Young organized by the Lions Club of Young. Hope to see you all there with your walking shoes on.

Childrens Vision